April 2020 Prayer Letter

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Dear Praying Friends,

Let me begin by thanking you for your support of the CrossRoads Pregnancy Center. Each person's involvement is essential to our effectiveness as we work together. 

We have continued to see clients 9-5, Monday through Friday, during this Covid-19 crisis by using the CDC and SC OSHA guidelines. A kind benefactor even donated some masks for us to use. Our clients are being seen one at a time after filling out mobile uptake forms sent out by our new computer program, Ekyros. Three clients visited us this last week, including one client who said she didn't want to keep her baby because she was unemployed with two children at home and the threat of the virus just added to her financial strain. The Center has been working closely with her and she is seeing an OB/GYN. Currently we are one of four pregnancy centers still open in South Carolina.

Lyndia is currently working from home in an attempt to protect her 86 year old mother who lives with her from any exposure. I miss her help in the office but we both know this is a temporary arrangement.

A new exciting development is that we are now able to sign up clients for Medicaid at our office! This allows our clients to get into an OB/GYN more quickly and provides them longer prenatal care. Lyndia reported that in the past, some clients who did not sign up for Medicaid went through their whole pregnancy without seeing a doctor and then went straight to the emergency room to deliver. As you well know, this can lead to all kinds of complications anytime during their pregnancy.

We're also pleased to announce that the board approved the purchase of the beautiful house at 428 Grace Street just down the road from Lander University. We are working to secure a loan from a local bank. Because our center is the only one in the six surrounding counties, this home will give us additional room to better serve more clients in this larger facility. If you're interested, you can view the house on Truilia  (428 Grace St   Greenwood, SC 29649

We would love for you to be involved.  Your support would make a big difference in the lives of so many families in our Lakelands Community.  Donations can be done directly through our website or by mail.

Currently we are researching  Bible programs and looking for Christian mentors who could meet regularly with clients. Many of our clients will not attend church but are eager to learn. A mentor who comes alongside a client may have a tremendous impact by offering truth and a listening ear. If you feel that God's leading e you to be a mentor, please call the office or email me and I can get you more information.

We're enjoying the new Zoom app which allows us to meet with groups over the Internet! Our first Zoom video chat will be with a group of women in Abbeville. If you know of anyone who would like to learn more about the Center, let us know and we can Zoom!

On a final sober note, the CDC reports that 40% of abortions are chemical abortions done at home. We recently learned that women don't even need to go to an abortion clinic to get the pills but can get them online. Because of this easy accessibility, we are getting prepared to see more clients who we can introduce to the APR (abortion pill reversal) program You can read more about it at https://wwwheartbeatinternational.org. .Also, please take the time to watch the movie Unplanned. God has lit a fire under us to get the news about APR out to everyone. We know it won't be broadcast on the evening news or printed in the papers, so please pray with us that God will show us ways to inform people.

Thank you again for your support of the CrossRoads Pregnancy Center Website:  https://www.crossroadspregnancycenter.org/
Facebook page:   http://@CrossRoadsPregnancyCenterSC  

Brenda Feece , Executive Director and Co Director

811 Montague Ave  Suite H
CrossRoads Pregnancy Center
Greenwood, SC 29649


Our mailing address is: 811 Montague Ave  Suite H  Greenwood, SC  29649

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